About IV Hydration

About IV Hydration

Golden Days IV Hydration is a Holistic Health and Wellness service pioneering a new type of holistic, integrative medicine, and wellness services in Bowie, Maryland and its surrounding community.

Golden Days Provides a unique experience with a new, clean, COVID-19 friendly environment catering to relaxation and self-care. Included is Wi-Fi accessibility, smart TV access for your favorite show or movie, and the music playlist of your choice. Whether your needs are reparative or preventative in nature, IV Hydration is the solution for you.

Why IV Hydration?

You’ve probably been told many times that it’s important to stay hydrated. That used to mean drinking plenty of water and other fluids. But, now there’s a much better way to get your fluids—Golden Days IV hydration therapy. Active, health-conscious people are discovering that the benefits of IV Hydration therapy outweigh the benefits of drinking lots of water. Here are nine of the key benefits hydration IV therapy delivers:

1. Hydration IV Therapy is More Efficient?

Drinking fluids is actually not an efficient way to stave off dehydration. When you drink from a water bottle after a workout for example, or throughout your day, the tissues in your throat and along your digestive tract absorb most of the liquid. But, all of the tissues in your body need to be hydrated. That’s the reason you have to drink a lot of water to sufficiently hydrate yourself. Hydration IV therapy injects the fluids directly into your bloodstream so your body can deliver the fluids where you need them most. It’s a faster, more efficient way to hydrate your body.

2. You Need More Than Just Fluids

When your workouts are intense, you are losing more than just fluids. Drinking water isn’t enough. You also need to replenish your electrolytes and other lost nutrients. Drinking water doesn’t do that. Plus, drinking isn’t an efficient way to deliver the nutrients you need when you need them. Golden Days  IV Hydration allows you not only to get hydrated, but you also can refresh and replenish your body with the nutrients you need right away.

3. Hydration Therapy is Easier on Your Digestive System

Drinking a lot of fluids can be hard on your digestive system. Often you have to drink a higher volume of fluids than your body can absorb at one time. Your digestive system must work overtime to get rid of the fluids it cannot process. When your body starts to try and get rid of the excess fluids, it can lead to you flushing out many of the nutrients your body needs. If you are taking supplements with our fluids, those supplements can irritate your digestive tract. Golden Days IV Hydration allows your body to absorb nutrients and fluids without relying on the digestive system. It creates less waste than drinking fluids, and your body can retain more of the nutrients it needs.

4. Reduced Recovery Time

Hydration is critical to the recovery of your body. Athletes need hydration after a workout to help decrease muscle soreness and stiffness. If you are feeling tired after a long day at the office, you are actually dehydrated and need fluids right away to restore your energy. Fluids even help you recover from a hangover faster. Because it is so efficient, Golden Days IV Hydration helps your body recover faster than drinking fluids does after you have been pushing yourself in a workout. The mixture of vitamins, nutrients, and fluids that you get with IV hydration allows you to get back to feeling great in no time.

5. Golden Days IV Hydration is Customized to Your Body

We are all different. Our bodies have different needs depending on our health, activity level, and our lifestyle. Drinking fluids doesn’t give your body the specific things it needs to perform at the highest levels. Golden Days IV Hydration is completely customized to your body. You get the perfect mix of fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients that you need to feel your best. You can have IV hydration that focuses on:

  • Athletic recovery
  • Energy boosts
  • Hangover recovery
  • Skin care
  • Immunity boosts
  • Wellness

6. Immunity Boosts

Nobody likes to be sick. Golden Days IV Hydration can help you avoid many common illnesses by providing you with a quick and efficient dose of immunity-boosting compounds like Vitamin C and Vitamin B12. Having these vitamins put directly into your bloodstream through IV Hydration Therapy makes them much more effective than taking them orally. IV Hydration Therapy is designed to get these immunity boosters to the parts of your body where you need them most.

7. Flushes Toxins from Your System

Dehydration affects your body in many different ways. It can lead to problems with your digestive tract, like constipation. It can damage your liver and kidneys and allow toxins to build up in your system. IV Hydration therapy flushes your body with clean fluids and helps improve the functioning of your vital organs. IV therapy allows your liver and kidneys to do their jobs more efficiently. Your kidneys and liver work to filter out toxins in your body and then eliminate those toxins. Drinking fluids often is too slow to allow your organs to get rid of all of the toxins that have built up. IV Hydration therapy quickly delivers the fluids in the proper amounts to all of your vital organs.

8. Improved Skin, Joint, and Muscle Health

We are all between 55% and 60% water. When we are dehydrated, we immediately feel the effects. But, the signs of dehydration are more than just being thirsty. Dry skin, joint pain, and muscle aches are also all signs of inadequate hydration. However, getting enough liquids to these trouble areas is a real challenge if you are only drinking fluids. Hydration IV therapy will rapidly improve the health of your skin, joints, and muscles. The powerful influx of fluids and nutrients flushes toxins from these areas and restores them to full health. Hydration IV therapy helps you look and feel healthy, so you can always be at your best.